Click here to see my site that the court ordered me to bring down because it should not exist and the court order at the time on the same planet. The disturbing materials on this site expose officials under color of law conspiring and aiding and abetting the Crusaders in their aggression and depravtion of civil rights againt my children and myself. The court actually locked me up for the 3rd. time for 5 months because I refused to bring down this site and comply with other things.
Noora at the YMCA
Court appointed Attorney Margret Jennings after release telling me smith is not going to let you see the children. This was part of her job to conspire with the court and other attorneys to gain Jurisiction.
This video shows the true story and exposes the motion below.
The Emergency hearing to suspend my visitation was based on a fabricated story and affidavit by the Christian based psychologist Kelly Casparius.
A sample of how she always abuse the kids all the time, which was the default treatment of the children. Breaking their hearts, yelling at the them, scaring them, neglecting them and even endangering them.